Paycheck Proctection Program Flexability Act

Paycheck Proctection Program Flexability Act On Friday, June 5, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020. The PPP Flexibility Act provides some relief and flexibility in the use of the Paycheck Protection Program...

Bronswick Benjamin Has Exciting News to Share.

Bronswick Benjamin Has Exciting News to Share. It is with great pleasure to announce we are moving to a new location on February 5th. Our new space, located at 8750 W Bryn Mawr, Suite 650, Chicago, IL 60631, is just minutes from O’Hare International Airport and...

The boss is retiring. The kids don’t want to take over.

Family-Owned Manufacturers Confront a Succession ‘Crisis’ By John Allegretti, CPA ‘The boss is retiring. The kids don’t want to take over. Family-owned manufacturers confront a succession ‘crisis’ – Chicago Tribune “Most Illinois citizens are aware...

Welcome to Our Newest Partner Mitchell Cohen

Welcome to Our Newest Partner Mitchell Cohen Bronswick Benjamin P.C. is proud to welcome Mitchell Cohen as one of the newest additions to our team. He joins the firm as a new Partner and will participate in the overall growth of the firm. Mitchell’s experience lies in...
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